Saturday, February 27, 2010

getting stuff done

so...havent posted anything in a while. i feel kinda bad that im out of the blogging scene and have become addicted to the mircoblogging. sorry blogger. :( but thats life i guess. getting dumped and then coming back around when something else didnt work out the way you wanted it to. so i think im gonna go through my linux stage again. my c++ class in really getting to me. i want control over my os. i think im going to back up all my files and start a fresh and a new. and i really hope the hard drive i ordered isnt DOA. because that would be sad. anyway.

luck for few. love for some. peace for all.


Thursday, November 20, 2008

Peter Gabriel

Peter Gabriel's Sledgehammer live performance has a strong visual element to match the musical element. The music is filled with innuendos which is accompanied by the visual element which is a literal representation of people who would be carrying around sledgehammers. This reminds me of alcohol ads that use phrases with double meaning and depict the literal one.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Just so everyone knows.

A Xbox 360 guitar hero controller works on a pc.

Just found that out. 


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Ethics in visual communication.

Considering what visual communication is, it is almost not ethical at all.  The entire idea is to persuade some group to do or think some way.  In this frame of thought, all visual communication is unethical.  There is no topic that too taboo for the media anymore, and they will use it to its full extent to make the audience think the way they want them to.  Television, for instance, has no moral allegiance anymore.  They will show homosexuality, drug abuse, adultery, they even mock religions (all religions).  There are certain things that children should not be able to turn on the TV and see.  But the television media makes all this and more available at the flip of a switch.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Demon PPTs

I see power point presentations every week.  At least 5 between J210, S121, and F102.  I really try to limit my use of ppt in my presentations because it can really draw the attention away from me (which would be bad.  I love attention : )  ).  A good ppt is made up of interesting backgrounds that do not come stock with the program and text that is NOT TNR!!  Anything but that!!  Video and animation also make them very interesting.   

Interests in Visual Communication Ch. 4

One of the most interesting things that I found was the idea of social perspective, this is where the most important figure is located in the front.  This is very obvious in this Flobots band picture where the lead singer is in front.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

point behind photography

Most of the photos here where inspired by the search for abstract and conceptual elements found in world.  None of these were touched up in photoshop or any other program like it.   I like to use Adobe and the such, but sometimes it is amazing coming out of the camera.